Products to increase potency in men


Experts recommend to start treatment of problems with potency of lifestyle and diet. Foods rich in vitamins and minerals to protect the prostate, regulate blood circulation and secretion, restoring hormonal balance. There is a list of foods that are beneficial to the state of the male reproductive system. Change the diet and lifestyle gradually. This will help delicious and varied recipes.

Products that increase potency, is divided into four groups:

  • Prostatoprotektory. Foods that protect the prostate.
  • Stimulants. Increase the production of the prostate gland secretion of male hormones.
  • Tonic. Indirectly affect sexual function through other organ systems.
  • Antioxidants. Reduce the harmful effects of reactive oxygen species on the reproductive system.

These products are suitable for men of all ages, beneficial to the body as a whole.


Red meat is a source of testosterone (male sex hormone).

Considered to be a useful product for the body the stronger sex, a complete source of all essential amino acids.

Necessary in the human diet meat origin:

  • Red meat.
  • Beef liver is not indicated for people with elevated blood cholesterol and dyslipidemia. The liver is useful for the production of steroid hormones.
  • Chicken fillets or Breasts - a source of amino acids with low fat.

The optimal daily consumption of 200 g per day. Twice a week eat liver, tongue, heart.

In old age you should use it chicken for the prevention of progression of atherosclerosis. Moreover, high testosterone levels correlate with risk of BPH in men in old age. Daily red meat should not exceed 175 g.


Seafood is a source of Pufas (polyunsaturated fatty acids), these acids are necessary for the synthesis of biologically active substances, which are necessary for proper erectile function. Phosphorus is important for maintaining nerve fibers that Innervate the sexual organs, b vitamins, fat-soluble vitamins, zinc and amino acids.

The most useful are:

  • Seaweed.
  • A red fish.
  • Mussels.
  • Shrimp.
  • Oysters.
  • Octopus.
  • Comb.

These products can be used directly before intercourse, as many of them are strong aphrodisiacs. To include in the diet such food can be unlimited (but it is not necessary to use more than 100 g of seaweed per day to avoid hyperthyroidism). Seafood combine well with olive oil (for the fat-soluble vitamins) and lemon juice.


Eggs are rich in proteins and amino acids necessary to maintain potency. They need to be consumed in boiled or roasted form. The combination of eggs with greens and red pepper optionally populates the required amount of vitamins.

Eggs can be eaten about three times a week, no more than two pieces a day. This is especially important in the elderly for the prevention of atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease because egg yolk contains high levels of cholesterol. Also, do not use this product for liver. Quail eggs you can eat five pieces a day, nutritional value is similar to chicken.

The average chicken egg contains 7 grams of protein.



This group of products containing large amounts of b-vitamins and is very healthy for potency.

Menu important to Supplement:

  • Walnuts.
  • Peanuts.
  • Cashews.
  • Almonds.

Nuts eaten in any available form. Optimal daily intake of the product shall not exceed 35 g per day.

The most useful are considered walnuts, but the most effective recipe - a mixture of honey and nuts:

  1. Powdered kernel is mixed with beeswax in the ratio of 1:2.
  2. The mixture is then put in the fridge where it is stored for three days.
  3. Take three tablespoons per day at any time of the day.

For men older than 65 years will fit the following recipe:

  1. Prepare a mixture of nuts, raisins, prunes, dried apricots (100 g) and 2 cups of honey.
  2. All mix thoroughly and consumed daily in three large spoonfuls.

This tool improves potency and protects the cardiovascular system.


The complete list of various vitamins contain citrus:

  • Lemons
  • Grapefruits.
  • Oranges.

In their structure also have antioxidants, plenty of vitamin C.

Citrus fruits can cause allergic reactions, therefore before their use it is important to consult with a specialist.

If the person is allergic, it is recommended to consume one fruit a day to choose from. Also, these fruits have a greater energy value required to maintain potency. That is why their use is recommended before intercourse. Many experts believe that such products act on the potency almost instantly, as well as tone and improve mood.

Effective combination of citrus with the previous product groups:

  • Baked mackerel with lemon sauce.
  • Roast beef with orange marmalade.
  • Fresh vegetables with lemon juice.
  • In combination with other fruits, prepared juices, preferably freshly squeezed.

New combinations you can come up with on their own, it is important that the ingredients included in the listed product groups. Also, do not overdo it, to avoid overdose, supervitaminosis.

Pumpkin seeds

This product is considered a powerful tool to protect prostate from inflammatory processes, improves the secretory function of the gland protects against erectile dysfunction.

Pumpkin seeds are especially useful for older men. In addition to strengthening effect on sexual function, the product is systemically supports the body, in particular, improves the cardiovascular system, is cardioprotectors. Pumpkin seeds are rich in vitamins and trace elements.

Use them in different ways:

  1. Widely used oil from pumpkin seeds – so any food can acquire new tastes, at the same time significantly enhanced erections. It is added to cereal, but the fry on it is not recommended, as when heated it loses its healing properties.
  2. Daily for two months drink half a Cup of raw pumpkin seeds.
  3. Seeds added to morning oatmeal, yogurt, kefir, or homemade cakes.
  4. Seeds, like nuts, good to eat with honey, for this kernel is cleaned and mixed evenly with the liquid natural bee product. The recommended amount is two large spoonfuls every day.

The pumpkin itself can be consumed in any form. This product has a positive effect on the potency, regulates hormonal imbalance. The vegetable is roasted with honey, boiled, consumed with cereals. From the pulp cooking juices.


Tomatoes are useful to their antioxidant effects, protect and enhance the secretory function of the prostate. Fresh and sun-dried tomatoes are rich in vitamins. Consumption of tomatoes reduces the risk of neoplasia and prostate cancer.

Tomatoes are suitable for salads, it's most effective use of celery.



Especially useful for men's health black pepper. It improves blood circulation, strengthens blood flow to the genitals, has a bracing effect.

Pepper drink:

  • With all kinds of meat.
  • With other vegetables as salads.
  • With kas.
  • With steamed vegetables.

It is useful to add pepper in my coffee.

For potency useful chili. In small amounts should be consumed before a meal. Fresh pepper contains a lot of useful vitamins and minerals. It is important to eat it in its raw form, because during heat treatment of almost all vitamins are destroyed.

Bell pepper, in addition to the above effects, strengthens the immune system. This is important because the prostate is very vulnerable on bacterial and viral infections because of its structure and anatomic location.

Legumes, onions and greens

Pulses are rich in b vitamins are the Most useful to improve potency are:

  • Peas.
  • Beans.
  • Chickpeas.
  • Lentils.

Legumes are rich in proteins and can provide increased load on the stomach, so gastritis their number should be limited. Optimal will be a weekly two full cups, 200 g

Impotence protects the ordinary onion (especially sweet varieties), which can be eaten in any form. It is rich in essential oils, they stimulate the erection by increasing libido.

Parsley is one of the most fortified products in this group. Help to strengthen men's health, and its combination with:

  • meat;
  • eggs;
  • tomatoes.

The juice from the celery, tomatoes and parsley is helpful to drink a few minutes before intercourse, as they are considered tools for quick action on the potency.

Healthy drinks

Recommended drinks for men's health:

  • Black coffee.
  • Green tea.
  • The fruit drinks from the berries.
  • Orange juice.
  • Vegetable juices.
  • Broth hips.

Drinks, especially coffee, can be complemented by the spices – cardamom, thyme, cloves, black pepper. They are natural analogs of Viagra, and continue to promote increased erectile function, stimulate libido.

Of particular importance in the prevention and treatment of impotence has a decoction of rose hips. It is rich in vitamin C, stimulates the immune system and powerful antioxidant. Drink the tool should be twice a week:

  1. For cooking, you need one tablespoon of fruit pour a glass of boiling water.
  2. Boil for 10 minutes.
  3. Then cover with a lid and wait until the broth cools down.
  4. To use during the day.


The transition to healthy eating can be alleviated if correctly to prepare useful products.

Baked ham


  1. pork roast - 1 kg.
  2. fat - 50 g.
  3. carrots - 150 g
  4. Bay leaf.
  5. Head of garlic.
  6. Salt to taste.
  7. Pepper.

Method of preparation:

  1. The meat must be washed thoroughly, dried with a cotton towel.
  2. Roll in salt and pepper.
  3. The carrots and bacon are finely chopped, and garlic to clean.
  4. Stuff ingredients pork.
  5. To add to the dish with the Bay leaves and wrap in foil.
  6. Cook in the oven for 35 minutes.

Pork is considered fatty kind of meat, do not eat it late in the evening to reduce the load on the digestive tract during sleep. The accumulation of undigested foods leads to the destruction of microflora and intoxication, which has a negative impact primarily on the reproductive system of men.

salad with fish and potatoes

Salad with fish and potatoes


  1. Fish fillet - 0, 25 kg of fish fillet.
  2. Potatoes - 3 PCs.
  3. Carrots - 2 PCs.
  4. Fresh cucumbers - 2 PCs.
  5. Vegetable oil - 1 tbsp
  6. Greens-to taste.

Method of preparation:

  1. Fish, potatoes and carrots are cooked separately.
  2. The ingredients are cooled and cut in a convenient form.
  3. All mix and fill with vegetable oil.
  4. Greens add to taste.

Dish suitable for lunch break, it contains enough carbohydrates, provide energy.

Fish fillet for a couple


  1. White fish fillet with low fat - 400 g
  2. Medium onion - 1 PC.
  3. Parsley root.
  4. Potatoes - 5 PCs.
  5. Beets - 1 PC.
  6. Boiling water - 200 ml
  7. Herbs at discretion.
  8. Lemon juice - 1 tbsp

Method of preparation:

  1. Fish fillets cut into chunks, put skin down on a tray the bottom of the double boiler in one row.
  2. Pour in hot boiling water, add finely chopped onions, and parsley.
  3. Tightly closed and evaporated over a slow fire a quarter of an hour.
  4. Separately boil the beets and potatoes.
  5. Cooked fish, spread on a dish, next put boiled potatoes and beets.
  6. Fish pour lemon juice, add fresh herbs to taste. Also optionally, you can add any vegetables.

The Yalta onions with cheese


  1. Sweet onion varieties - 2 PCs.
  2. Cheese - 150 g
  3. Sour milk - 100 ml
  4. Herbs to taste.


  1. Onion crushed and mixed with cheese and sour cream.
  2. 2.
  3. Spread on a plate, add fresh herbs to taste.

The dish is rich in protein, so it is better to use in the morning, preferably during Breakfast. The recipe can use red peppers, a few spoonfuls of the mixture of honey and aloe.

Folk remedies

As folk remedies to increase potency in the home use various decoctions of the following herbs: yarrow, sage, ginseng, calendula (1 l boiling water 2 tbsp of raw materials). They can be purchased in any pharmacy.

Also apply a mixture of aloe juice and honey (2 tsp 3 times a day).